Thursday 4 June 2009

A General Election now could backfire on Mr Cameron

David Cameron has insisted that the Prime Minister should call a general election now. The Question is: with the recent resignations of some Labour politicians, can this government really survive for much longer? David Cameron hopes it won't. However, there may not be be any clear winners if Labour go into meltdown and Parliament is dissolved now.

It's perhaps not an ideal time for The Conservatives Party to contest in a General Election. After all, voters are critical of all the old major parties right now including the Conservatives. The electorates disdain for politicians and its apathy for politics in general could see a lot of them voting for fringe parties, such as the British National Party, just as we witnessed recently at the European Parliament elections or they may simply stay at home and not bother.

Cameron could get it all wrong by calling for the public to vote now. Labour's majority may be small enough to be toppled by a strong opposition party, but the Conservatives who are equally caught up in the expenses scandal will lose many thousands of votes too; no one knows how many.

If the Conservative Party fails to secure a big enough majority they could be struck impotent from driving new legislation through or worse have to power share in a 'Hung Parliament' because they fall short of a clear Commons majority.

If the Conservatives and all the major political parties are to retain their traditional voters, they must clear up their act. They should stop saying sorry and start to have a cross party action plan to sharpen their image. One way of doing that is to select fresh candidates who have not been caught up in any sort of sleave and are certainly not tarnished by the present crisis.

If there were to be a General Election very soon many of the electorate could turn away from mainstream parties and this could damage the Conservatives hopes of returning to power after 11 years in the wilderness.

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